indoor air quality test
Air Masters specializes in providing a complete indoor air quality test service, we not only test for IAQ problems but we also provide free recommendations.
We provide services for a wide variety of settings including residents, office buildings, factories, warehouses, hospitals and pharmaceutical complexes. If employees or building occupants are complaining of poor air quality or increased illnesses as colds, flu, asthma, weakness, burning eyes, itching skin, rashes, sore throats, allergies, lethargy, or headaches, there is a possibility this could be related to the IAQ.
Dust Analysis
Dust is ubiquitous in our environment but generally falls into one of three categories: household dust, workplace dust and industrial dust. Parameters that are commonly examined include: • Particular Matter 2.5 (PM2.5). • Particular Matter 10 (PM10).
Gas Analysis
Combustion analysis involves the measurement of gas concentrations. Parameters that are commonly examined include: • Formaldehyde (HCHO). • Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC). • Carbon Monoxide (CO). • Carbon Dioxide (CO2). • Radon (Rn).
Method of Testing
Ambient air sampling will be conducted by using several specialty instruments. These meters will sample the air quality every few sections giving a complete and accurate reading within just a few minutes. The Air Masters inspector will use anywhere between one to six air samplers depending on the environment and chosen package.
Procedure of Testing
Before the inspector can begin the air quality test, they will need to complete a calibration process on all devices. This will be completed by resetting all testers to baseline outside air quality.
Once that has been completed, they will begin registering air samples in different locations of the building. The meter will determine the amount of airborne particles, gases, spores present in the suspect area at that point in time.
All methods of collection are tracked using identification documents and will be returned to the office for review and finalize with a user friendly report.